Mª Fernanda
Morillo Ariza

Científica Titular de OPIS
Dpto. de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
Grupo de Análisis Cuantitativo en Ciencia y Tecnología (ACUTE)
916022881 / Extensión interna: 441224

Redes sociales

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Morillo, F. (2019). Collaboration and impact of research in different disciplines with international funding (from the EU and other foreign sources). Scientometrics, 120, 807-823.
    Morillo, F.; Álvarez-Bornstein, B. (2018). How to automatically identify major research sponsors selecting keywords from the WoS Funding Agency field. Scientometrics, 117, 1755-1770.
    Morillo, F. (2020). Is open access publication useful for all research fields? Presence of funding, collaboration and impact. Scientometrics, 125, 689-716.
    Morillo, F. (2016). Public-private interactions reflected through the funding acknowledgements. Scientometrics, 108, 1193-1204.