Melania Moscoso (IFS) coautora del libro "The Legacies of Institutionalisation. Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community"

Martes, 01 Septiembre, 2020

"The Legacies of Institutionalisation. Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community", es el título del libro coeditado por Claire Spivakovsky, Linda Steele y Penelope Weller, en el que ha participado como coautora Melania Moscoso, investigadora del Instituto de Filosofía (IFS, CCHS-CSIC).

Melania Moscoso Pérez y R Lucas Platero han contribuido con el capítulo titulado "The Production of 'Dependent Individuals' Within the Application of Spanish Law 39/2006 on Personal Autonomy and Dependent Carein Andalusia, Basque Country and Madrid"

This is the first collection to examine the legal dynamics of deinstitutionalisation. It considers the extent to which some contemporary laws, policies and practices affecting people with disabilities are moving towards the promised end point of enhanced social and political participation in the community, while others may instead reinstate, continue or legitimate historical practices associated with this population's institutionalisation. Bringing together 20 contributors from the UK, Canada, Australia, Spain and Indonesia, the book speaks to overarching themes of segregation and inequality, interlocking forms of oppression and rights-based advancements in law, policy and practice. Ultimately this collection brings forth the possibilities, limits and contradictions in the roles of law and policy in processes of institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation, and directs us towards a more nuanced and sustained scholarly and political engagement with these issues.


The Legacies of Institutionalisation. Disability, Law and Policy in the ‘Deinstitutionalised’ Community. Edited by: Claire Spivakovsky, Linda Steele and Penelope Weller. Oxford: Hart, 2020 - Oñati International Series in Law and Society -
ISBN:Hardback 9781509930739; EPUB eBook 9781509930746; PDF eBook 9781509930753

Portada del libro
Dpto. de Filosofía, Cultura y Sociedad
Grupo de Ética Aplicada (GEA)