Group of Quantitative Analysis in Science and Technology (ACUTE)

Researcher in charge: María Bordons Gangas
- Núria Bautista Puig
- María Bordons Gangas
- Daniela Alejandra De Filippo
- Fernanda Morillo Ariza
- Colaboration of Borja González-Albo (CCHS)
Priority lines
- Bibliometric indicators for the study of the scientific process and for the evaluation of science.
- Acknowledgments in scientific publications as a source of information about collaboration ("subauthorship") and research funding.
- Bibliometric indicators by genre.
- Open science: new research practices and their influence on the production of knowledge.
The research of the ACUTE team focuses on the field of quantitative studies of science and technology. Our main concern is the development of bibliometric indicators suitable for studying the research process and for analysing the activity of researchers, teams and centres in different disciplines. In addition, the methodological advances in information processing and in indicators design constitute a relevant crosscutting research line in the activity of the team.
Our purpose is to develop high-quality research, with the aim of contributing to the advancement of science through the generation of new knowledge, but also having an impact on society, especially by providing bibliometric analyses to support research management.
Dept. of Science, Technology and Society