Seminario 'Ciencia, Tecnología y Género': "Reproductive Work, Organization and Infrastructures of Gamete Donation: Bodily Detachments, Substitution Processes, and Gendered Division of Labour"

Mar, 15-02-2011; 01:00

Por Sven Bergmann, (Humboldt Univertistät zu Berlin)

Sala José Gaos 3C

Coordinan: Eulalia Pérez SedeñoRebeca IbáñezMaría José Miranda Suárez (IFS, CCHS-CSIC)

Contacto: seminariocuerpoygenero [at] 

Seminario 'Ciencia, Tecnología y Género': "Reproductive Work, Organization and Infrastructures of Gamete Donation: Bodily Detachments, Substitution Processes, and Gendered Division of Labour"
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